Water supply to Kaunas district

Kaunas, Lietuva

One of the challenges for the development of Kaunas Free Economic Zone was insufficient water supply, which hindered the establishment of new companies and the expansion of existing ones. In addition, the surrounding settlements were not connected to the central water supply system, which limited the prospects for improving the quality of life.

Between 2021 and 2022, KRS took up the challenge and implemented a project that addressed these shortcomings and improved the infrastructure of the Kaunas district. The project installed about 3 kilometers of new D355 water supply lines.

One of the biggest challenges during the project was the installation of water supply networks in a swampy area. Solutions had to be found for transporting construction materials and carrying out construction work. The project also involved two complex pipeline installation works using the concrete trenchless method under the important A1 and A5 roads.

The successful implementation of the project not only ensured sufficient water supply in the Kaunas Free Economic Zone, but also enabled the population of the Karmėlava sub-district and surrounding villages to connect to the centralized water supply network. This has opened up new opportunities for development and quality of life in the region.

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