About us

Our history
Etc. 1950
The history of our company dates back to 1950, when an important operational site was established in Kaunas. This site acted as a central base for coordinating construction and communication projects in the region.

In 1968, the site was transformed into the Kaunas Specialized Mobile Mechanized Column. These columns were very important in the Soviet economy, as they helped to respond quickly and flexibly to the needs of the construction sector throughout the country.
In 1993, significant changes took place: in February we became the Kaunas State Construction Company, and on 12 March the joint-stock company "Kauno ryšių objektų statyba' was registered.

Just a year later, on 6 April 1994, the company was re-registered as "Kauno ryšių statyba', a private limited liability company.
The last major name change took place on 15 December 2004, when the company became known as KRS UAB. This marked a new stage in our long and interesting journey.

KRS is not just a construction company, it is the future we are building together.
Our experience in civil engineering is wide-ranging, from road construction and thermal systems to building construction and infrastructure project development. Our motto "Building for future generations" is at the heart of what we do, guiding us towards projects that not only meet today's needs, but also create a more sustainable environment for future generations.
Our vision
KRS' vision is to create a sustainable and prosperous future through every construction and engineering project we undertake. Our aim is not only to meet today's needs, but also to actively contribute to the environment and society by constructing buildings and infrastructure that reflect a responsible and innovative approach. We aim to create spaces that are a testament to thoughtful and innovative engineering. We build for future generations.

Our mission
Our mission at KRS is based on a deep understanding that every project we undertake is a responsibility to shape the future. It is a commitment to build not only for today, but also for future generations. From sustainable urban development to innovative water systems, we strive to reduce environmental impact and ensure that our work in the future requires minimal intervention. Our motto "We build for future generations" symbolizes our commitment to making responsible choices for the long-term well-being of society and the planet.

Our team
Our team approaches every project with a clear understanding of the important footprint we will leave for future generations. That's why we make every decision responsibly, with a view to its long-term impact.
Martynas Valančius
Sandra Eimutė
Justina Čeponienė
Asta Kalvynė
Žilvinas Rainys
Mindaugas Valiūnas
Renaldas Kalvynas
Ignas Žilinskas

Juozas Kurlinkus
Martynas Juočeris

Nerijus Dumša

Laimonas Burba
Igoris Aleksejevič
Erikas Brazauskas

Ugnė Levickaitė
Sandra Grigaitytė
Andrius Marma
Laima Aleksėjūnienė
Jurgis Janušaitis

Tomas Ališauskas
Jaroslavas Nedrošlianskis
Rosmantė Šurnienė

Laura Iveta Tarasevičienė
Domantas Vikšraitis
Gintarė Cimakauskienė
Mantas Vitkus

Viktorija Zaikauskienė
Arvydas Lazauskas

Tomas Savukynas
Daina Gedziūnaitė
Tomas Jatulis
Indrė Petrauskė
Andrius Morkūnas
Liliana Šileikienė

Karolis Vileišis

Edvinas Viržaitis
Renaldas Šturma

Ieva Kasciuškienė
Gedvilė Valentaitė
Artūras Pivoriūnas

Rugilė Maksvytytė

Artūras Borusevičius
Karolis Vaičiuliavičius
Aušra Jasilionienė

Laimonas Rimas
Lina Belkevičienė
Deividas Želvys
Justina Regelskytė
Julius Endzelis
Urtė Kveriavičiūtė
Elinga Bagdonavičienė
Andrius Sakauskas

Evita Mieliauskaitė

Donatas Kalendauskas
Augustina Venskutė
Egidijus Venckus
Jurgita Teresevičienė
Maryna Pshonko
Simona Grikštaitė
Justas Beržinis
Vaida Manaitė
Darius Kalvaitis
Rimvydas Pajaujis
Olia Marcinkevičienė
Rolandas Leknius

Dalia Benigna Pagirytė
Rimvydas Žukauskas
Indrė Vaškelienė
Arūnas Audickas

Kamilė Miknevičiūtė
Šarūnas Balandis

Antanas Januškevičius
Linas Stanaitis
Edvinas Borkertas

Diana Surgėlienė

Modestas Žiogelis
Austėja Kelpšaitė
Kristina Salatkaitė
Martynas Zavtrikovas
Gabija Gelažiūtė
Mindaugas Štuikys

Justas Karpavičius

Vitalijus Skritas
Gediminas Srūgys
Tadas Šimaitis
Raimundas Žudis
Dainius Norkevičius
Andrius Gudaitis
Lukaš Suchovej
Dovilė Samaitytė-Valeikienė
Andrius Zaranka
Inesa Mencevičienė

Jonas Noskovas
Arūnas Alionis
Šarūnas Žąsinas
Simona Girdvainė
Vadim Jelkin
Neringa Vainienė
Deividas Bartusevičius
Vilius Radzys
Mindaugas Čepelis

Gintaras Vėžys
Marius Daugėla
Edgaras Gražulis
Darius Stulginskas
Gediminas Šidiškis
Paulius Stonys

Giedrius Benkauskas
Lukas Lukšys
Remigijus Krikštaponis
Žymantas Jančaitis

Erinas Nedrošlianskis
Martynas Jonaitis
Audrius Žotkevičius
Svajūnas Laurikėnas

Tomas Paliulis
Mantas Sabaliauskis

Lukas Matulaitis

Audrius Toločka

Giedrimas Pikelis

Edgaras Citavičius